The KROM NOIA can trace its roots back to 2011, when Thorkild May painted digital paintings in MS Paint. Since KROM's inception, the NOIA series has been a trademark of the brand.
We are excited to bring you the best NOIA series ever - updated design, tracking, shape and more!
In addition to the 1% shape, which we are offering for the first time in beech wood, we have also switched to the Bullseye+ scope. The three thin white lines circling the hole have been updated with a thicker stripe running through the center of the tama to allow star tracking from all angles
One of the beauties of the method of design process is that each individual Kendama has a unique pattern.
KROM 1% Shape Ken
KROM Riflescope Bullseye+
Super sticky KROM LOL clear
A-Class Beechwood
Chain hole in the base cup
Fresh top scope tracking
Mini warehouse
Custom Stickers
Design by Thorkild Mai